Journaling for Beauty Sleep

One of the beautiful benefits of keeping a health journal, is checking in with yourself to see how much rest you are receiving. Do you feel refreshed and ready to take on your day since  you took a moment for reflection, self-love, and mindfulness? Or are you tired, groggy and slow because you took on too much, did not take time to breathe, skipped a meal or ate something that did not agree with you?

Journaling Eat Pretty Live well

Recording your innermost thoughts, intentions for the day, what you ate and drank and how you treated the ones around you, helps you pinpoint when you feel your best or your worst. Document your experiences as you eliminate foods, thoughts and actions that might be affecting you negatively and replace then with healthier, more mindful choices. I am sure you will be on your way to a more peaceful night’s sleep and feel more rested when you wake. 

Eat Pretty, Live Well by Jolene Hart is a beautiful, well curated guided journal with self-love Q & A, positive affirmations, beauty nutrition essentials and a daily food diary. Whether you are new to the art of health journaling or a seasoned journalist, Eat Pretty, Live Well is the perfect tool to start motivating you to embrace your healthy lifestyle and give you beauty rest for that perfect, well rested Glow.

Get up and Glow,

Sarah Creech

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